Adapting Drinking Water Resources to the Impacts of Climate change in Europe – ADWICE Stakeholder Exchange Conference 2012

The ADWICE Stakeholder Conference will take place on 2 October 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. The event will offer a platform for dialogue for understanding the vulnerability of drinking water resources, water quality and water abstraction infrastructures to local, national and European decision makers, experts and researchers, water supplier and river basin authorities.
The one-day conference represents a valuable opportunity to share knowledge and experiences and to reflect on what kind of measures may be taken to mitigate or to adapt to it.
The one-day conference will present and discuss the draft results of the literature study conducted by a team led by BIO Intelligent Service, in collaboration with Cranfield University, Water Research Institute (IRSA), National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM) and ICLEI- Europe, for the European Commission (DG ENV). The event will offer a platform to share knowledge and experiences among scientific researchers, local government leaders, national policy-makers and representatives of European institutions and to receive feedback from stakeholder while gathering illustrations and best practices.
The morning session will provide inputs for further work while discussing the existing knowledge. The afternoon will be dedicated to highly interactive specific discussions with invited stakeholders and experts to explore different facets of this important topic in detail.
The conference is free of charge, though early registration is recommended to secure a place.
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