Cycling’s Tour de Campus

ANU will celebrate the use of pedal power to fund world-class cancer research on Tuesday with a special cycling Tour de Campus.
The event will welcome cyclist Chris Gruar to the University as he completes one of the final legs of a 45,000km charity bike ride from England to Sydney.
Chris, 28, left England in March 2012 on a world cycling expedition to raise money for the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR), which funds cancer research around the world, including at the ANU Research School of Biology.
He aims to raise $30,000 for AICR in memory of his mother who died of cancer.
ANU cyclists of all abilities are invited to join Chris on a special campus cycling tour at 10am on Tuesday, to be led by ANU cancer researcher Dr Richard Callaghan, followed by a morning tea to hear Chris talk about his journey.
Dr Callaghan will also talk about his research into multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy treatments, which benefits from a grant of around $300,000 from AICR. The grant funds Dr Callaghan’s lab and three PhD students who are working on cancer research.
To learn more about Chris’ journey visit
The tour starts at Sullivans Creek Bridge and finishes at the Wolfgang Buttress sculpture in the Research School of Biology Courtyard. Riders will be asked to make a gold coin donation.
A detailed map of the cycling route can be found here.