“Natural” vs “Organic”: What is the Difference?

“Natural” vs “Organic”: What is the difference? Both sound healthy and good. In fact, most consumers feel the two words are synonymous. Are they the same? Is there any difference?

According to ABC News, “The term ‘organic’ is tightly regulated and means food was produced under approved methods and is free of synthetic fertilizers.” But what about “natural”?

“Natural” has no definition in the eyes of the FDA, and the word “artisanal” is the same. Both are used by companies to imply something about their food, but there is no guideline set up as to what that word entails.

There are no efforts moving forward by the FDA to keep tabs on these words. Consumer watch groups, like the Center for Science in the Public Interest, are doing their best to inform the public of these deceitful and misleading word choices.

The best way to truly check out a product is to read the nutritional facts label.