Scientists: accelerate your career with collaborative, high impact fellowships

Queensland’s researchers and scientists are encouraged to apply for fellowships to help them develop and establish their professional reputations through innovative, practical and applied research, working closely with business.
The $3 million Accelerate Fellowships funding program was opened today by Queensland Chief Scientist Dr Geoff Garrett AO who said the program will support scientists to undertake research that can have a positive impact on Queensland.
“Early career fellowships will offer a researcher with up to five years’ post-PhD research experience $180,000 over three years to support them lead and manage a research project, with close engagement with business partners.
“Mid-career fellowships will offer $300,000 over three years for a researcher with five to ten years’ post-PhD experience to lead a research team to deliver a significant research project,” Dr Garrett said.
“The translation of research into tangible outcomes is the primary focus of the program. The Queensland Government wants to support new projects that encourage the creation of strong collaborative links and that will deliver practical benefits for Queensland.”
Dr Garrett said the government had developed Queensland Science and Research Priorities to ensure government investment supports projects that will deliver significant economic, social or environmental benefits to Queenslanders.
“The projects we are seeking to support must also align with one or more of these priorities.”
Science Minister Ian Walker said the $3 million Accelerate Fellowships program was part of the Queensland Government’s $8.75 million Accelerate Science and Innovation Program which will help Queensland make the most of its world-class research infrastructure and talent.
“The Queensland Government is committed to supporting practical and applied research undertaken by Queensland based researchers to accelerate the turning of great ideas into great opportunities,” Mr Walker said.
Applications for the Accelerate Fellowships close at 5pm on Tuesday 22 April 2014. To apply or find out more, go to
Don’t forget applications for the Accelerate Partnerships program – grants of up to $500,000 for research, science and commercial partnerships – close at 5pm on Monday 14 April 2014. Visit for more information.