Tech girls are superheroes

A new campaign to encourage more girls to take up careers in computing and information technology has been launched at The Australian National University by the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash.

Female participation in IT stands at a mere 25 per cent, against 45 percent for other careers. The Tech Girls Are Superheroes campaign aims to inspire school girls to redress this balance and take up technology careers.

“I was delighted to attend the launch, but more importantly I was heartened by the dedication that was shown towards greater gender equality in non-traditional roles such as IT,” Senator Cash said.

The tech girls are superheroes campaign is based on an animated story book containing stories of 26 talented technology and engineering “Tech Girls,” written by Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen.

“Tech Girls Are Superheroes is a fun and innovative story book highlighting the fantastic opportunities in technology and engineering,” Dr Beekhuyzen said.

“We promote thinking outside the box to create solutions that can enact social changes in society.”

Professor John Hosking, Dean and Director of the College of Engineering & Computer Science, said the number of women studying and working in Engineering and IT has remained stubbornly low.

“There is enormous opportunity for women to enter these exciting and prosperous industries. They could see you travel across the world, help solve some of the world’s greatest problems, and take part in developing innovative technologies that will shape our future,” Professor Hosking said.

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