The Future is Coming from MIT!

Imagine you have a completely transparent screen on which you can project whatever you want. Only few years ago, all that seemed as a dream, but today it appears the challenge has been resolved. The group of scientist from MIT led by fascinating Professor Marin Soljačić made that dream comes true.
At the moment, most transparent displays control organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) with electronics integrated directly into the display. In order to design their new display technology, MIT Professor Marin Soljačić and his group at the Research Laboratory of Electronics embedded commercially available nanoparticles in glass.
As a demonstration of their display, researchers projected two animated shorts. MIT researchers believe that their technology can be refined to reflect green, red and blue light, the three primary colors which make up the base of all full color displays.
If full color transparent displays could be made on the cheap then aerospace, automotive, eyewear and a plethora of other industries could begin to develop novel heads up displays that broadcast interactive information onto any transparent surface. There are a lot of opportunities regarding this discovery. It seems the scientists from MIT are bringing the future to us … as usual.