Weekly Science Picks

One more exciting week is finishing and here what we have to present you this Sunday. We had amazingly interesting 7 days with lot of new discoveries, findings and research. This time we can proudly say we got extraordinary stories from the world of quantum physics, geology, biology and even some nice pieces of scientific information from Australia. We are so excited to share all these with you… Are you excited to hear from us as well? So, let’s start our tour!
Are there ‘oceans’ hiding inside the Earth?
We know more about the surface of Mars than we do the mantle of the planet we live on. As little as 30kms (19 miles) below the surface – the distance between the centre of London and Heathrow Airport – the continental crust turns into the Earth’s mantle, a layer some 2,900km (1,800 miles) thick that surrounds the Earth’s molten outer core.
Scientists grow miniature human stomachs from stem cells
Scientists have grown miniature human stomachs from stem cells as a way of studying gastric diseases such as ulcers and stomach cancer and in the future creating tissue to repair patients’ stomachs.
Shale gas, coal seam gas… what’s the difference?
In Australia, hydraulic fracturing – a technique that increases the rate of gas flow for extraction – is used in CSG production 20-40% of the time, whereas in shale gas production it’s used every time.
Can the wave function of an electron be divided and trapped?
Electrons are elementary particles — indivisible, unbreakable. But new research suggests the electron’s quantum state — the electron wave function — can be separated into many parts. That has some strange implications for the theory of quantum mechanics.
Please stay curious and scientifically passionate! New stories are coming shortly.