Weekly Science Picks

It seems we come to the end of this week before we left the previous one. Time has passed so quickly, has not it? We just turned around ourselves and we are at the end of one more week of such an amazing month of July. Let us see what this fascinating week brought to us. This week’s selections appear as pretty attractive, but what dragged our attention the best is the story about hypnosis or how to get possessed by someone’s else mind. Quite spooky, is not it? Also we like the stories regarding astronomy discoveries, human history findings and much more. Well, let’s begin!
Hypnosis: The day my mind was ‘possessed’
“The engineer has developed a way of taking control of your thoughts from the inside. He does this because he is fascinated by mind control, and wants to apply the most direct method of controlling your thoughts. He is doing this to advance his research into mind control. You will soon be aware of the engineer inserting his thoughts.”
Nasa launches satellite to track CO2 in the atmosphere
A rocket carrying a Nasa satellite lit up the pre-dawn skies Wednesday on a mission to track atmospheric carbon dioxide, the chief culprit behind global warming.
Catching stars
They’ve already been captured by the talented photographers whose entries have been shortlisted in the ‘wide-field’ category of this year’s David Malin Awards, Australia’s premier astrophotography competition.
Timeline of human origins revised: New synthesis of research links changing environment with Homo’s evolutionary adaptability
Many traits unique to humans were long thought to have originated in the genus Homo between 2.4 and 1.8 million years ago in Africa. Although scientists have recognized these characteristics for decades, they are reconsidering the true evolutionary factors that drove them.
That would be all in this weekly review. We wish you a very best in the coming period. Stay tuned; we are coming with new stories!